Reynolds is an active 9 year old boy who keeps us on our toes. Over the last year, he has had some struggles but he has had even more victories. He is in a new school with the most amazing teachers. He LOVES going to school each day and seems so confident and happy.
Last summer he swam for the Big Swim Team at Gower. We weren’t sure how he would do but he was determined to be a part of that team and he sure made his mark. He cheered the loudest and the most often. His laughter was contagious and his smile (even while swimming) was heart warming. He was given the most Spirited Swimmer Award. During swim meets he could be found surrounded by high school students leading a cheer. We are incredibly thankful for the kindness and inclusion provided by the Gower coaches and families.
Unfortunately, last summer also brought a scary experience when Reynolds had a seizure for the first time. Thankfully he was fine and has little memory of the event, but it has added another layer of concern about his safety and development. However, we have a fantastic Neurologist and a wonderful community that has helped us navigate how to best care for him.
We have had the most amazing nanny who has been a part of our family for many years. Reynolds adores her and they have a special bond. She got married last month and asked Reynolds and Emmie to be in the wedding. He proudly walked down the aisle and enjoyed every minute of it. She was one brave, inclusive bride!
One of Reynolds’s continued major struggles surrounds his speech. He has significant speech delays. He has made improvements over the years however he remains difficult to understand if you are not familiar with his speech pattern. We were shocked one day when he came home from church and announced that he had a solo part in the Children’s Christmas program. With lots of practice and many prayers, he sang his solo and we were SO proud of him. We are grateful for our church community and the children’s choir for including and supporting him.
Reynolds proves to us that he can do whatever he sets his mind on. We are excited to see where his determination, hard work, outgoing personality and love for life take him!

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