What is a KIND Day?

What is a KIND day?
A 45-minute interactive program to educate first, second and third grade students about disabilities and the importance of kindness and inclusion.

KIND Day Requirements

6-8 Weeks notice prior to KIND Daydate requested

Preferred class sizes to be 25 students or fewer

9:30 am start time

Classrooms to host the KIND Day

Smart Board Access
Note: The teacher or staff member must remain in the classroom throughout the entirety of the KIND Day program.

Frequently Asked Questions
What do students do during KIND day?
- A reading session of one of KINDs favorite books
- A PowerPoint presentation introducing the children to new friends with disabilities
- The students will pledge to be KIND by repeating and signing a KINDness pledge
- The students will do a coloring or writing activity that correlates with the lesson plan
- Each child will receive their very own copy of the book read during KIND Day
- Children will also go home with various educational materials that will allow them to continue the conversation at home.
Is there financial obligation for a school to host a KIND day?
No. KIND Days are free and funded by our generous donors.
Does the school or classroom need to provide any materials during the KIND Day?
No. KIND brings in all books and materials needed to perform a KIND Day. We ask that the school provide internet access and smart board access.
What grades are able to participate in KIND Days?
How long does a KIND Day last?
Where is a KIND Day performed?
KIND Days are conducted in the classroom.
How many students can participate in a KIND Day?
We prefer the class size to be 25 students or less.
Who conducts the KIND Days?
What does the teacher do during the KIND Day day?
Teacher and/or staff presence is required. The teacher or staff member must stay in the classroom throughout the entirety of the KIND Day program.
When scheduling a KIND Day, how long will it take KIND to visit an entire grade with multiple classrooms?
KIND is able to teach an entire grade with multiple classrooms in a 45 minute session. With multiple volunteers and classroom leaders, KIND is able to go into each classroom at the same time.
Do you have a question that was not answered above?
Please email us at info@kindoftheupstate.org
How do I schedule a KIND Day?
Please email us at info@kindoftheupstate.org
What time does a KIND Day begin?
We prefer a streamlined process. With that being said, KIND Days begin promptly at 9:30. The KIND Day program lasts 45 minutes and will finish at 10:15 am.
We would like to have KIND to our school for the first time, is there anything special we should know beforehand?

Host a KIND Day
“This is a great program about inclusion. Students loved reciting the pledge and the reading the book.”
– Erin Hedges, teacher