Friday Family Feature
Meet the Andrews Family and their son Matt.
My son Matt is 3.5 years old. He has blue eyes and the very best smile! He follows his dad around everywhere and LOVES his little sister Ruthie. He enjoys being outside and going on adventures. He loves his school, the Meyer Center, where he has the opportunity to work with so many amazing therapists and teachers who cheer for him and encourage him (and us).
Matt was born in August of 2018 and around 4 months we noticed some global delays. We were told early on that despite his early developmental delays he would likely “catch up” and live a “normal” life. Over the past 2 years, I have slowly come to the realization that that may or may not be the case. Also, it isn’t up to me to determine or decide. Between the ages of 1-3, Matt had several episodes of possible intermittent ataxia which quite frankly are terrifying. Thankfully, he has recovered after each episode and we are being evaluated by the Undiagnosed Disease Network at Duke for possible answers.
Humbly, I share a tiny piece of our family’s story to encourage any parent whose child isn’t necessarily cruising past each and every milestone. I share to encourage any parent who has fear of uncertainty and fear of the future- which is probably all of us.
There are days that being a parent of a child with lots of extra special appointments and differences feels overwhelming and downright discouraging. I’ve felt my heart break and grieved in ways I didn’t know possible, but I know that God knows. I believe that this broken world is not our home and there is a place far better where he will wipe every tear (Rev 21:4). I have this hope and promise because of Jesus who saved me. I believe that one day Matt will be running, laughing, and talking up a storm (probably about Mickey Mouse) either here on earth or in heaven. I am so honored and proud to be Matt’s mom. He is a tough cookie. I love him so dearly (insert heart emoji).
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