Our News

We love to share our stories and those of our community. Each week, we will feature a family who has a child with special needs. If you know of someone who wants to share their story, please email us at info@kindoftheupstate.org.

Hall’s Update

Here is an update on little Hall Todd, who is Francie (co-founder of KIND) and (big) Hall Todd’s son. This has been the biggest year yet for Little Hall.  He and his twin brother, Barrett, turned 2 in March.  On the medical side, Hall has progressed...

Hall’s Story

I had a very uneventful pregnancy until my 33 week appointment. I will never forget that day.  At my 33 week appointment, the sonographer stopped midway through and said, “I have to step out. I’ll be right back.” I remember looking at my husband and crying. I...